Tuesday, April 30, 2013


So, during April I didn't make many nerdy or cool designs.

I started the month off with a blue gradient with animal print.

I sponged on silver before the blue to make it smoother but it didn't show too well. I wanted to cuticle area as nautreal as possible so that the nail could grow without it looking terrible. I thought it was a good idea at the time, at that moment not remembering that I change my manicures twice/week.

Then I moved on, wanting something bloodier I made these Yakuza (Japanese mafia) inspired nails.

I don't know, I just had this mental image of torn newpapers thrown across a dark room with a newly decapitated body laying in a shaggy bed, with leather clad Yakuza members leaving the room carrying bloodied katanas. Eh. Yeah that's the inside of my mind. I wanted the leather to have studs, but my studs were way too big for my tiny little nails, so I went with rhinestones instead.
I'd been wanting to have actual newspaper on my nails since I realised that the Japanese ink doesn't transfer using alcohol. Having the whole "leave the cuticle area free"-idea also helped, because now I didn't need to cut perfect nail-shaped bits of paper. I tore it instead, complimenting my mental image. I stained the paper with acrylic paints and let it dry, and painted the back of the newspaper with white polish so it wouldn't be seethrough.
These nails were however very bumpy at the edge of the newspaper, and you'll need to completely seal every tiny bit of the newspaper to prevent water from reaching it. Otherwise it tears. Also, this is probably only connected to the Yakuza with the Japanese newspaper. And that's a pretty vauge connection. Anyway. Moving on!

After this I recieved a beautiful blue polish for Easter, and wanted to do it justice with a simple but elegant design.

This is silver crackle polish working its magic. I really loved wearing these nails. Even though the blue bubbled a little bit.

Then I wanted to wear yellow, because that's another polish I got for Easter, but this design was far less successfull. I was inspired by the intro to Yakitate! Japan!, which has this adorable plaid background in yellow amongst other colors. But I made the pattern too big (being horrible at and hating stripes), so I wasn't too happy with it. In fact, I started picking at it before even taking a picture!

Then I continued on experimental street and decided I hadn't traumatized myself with a water marble for a while. I had these new, silky polishes that demanded being wasted in water. (I bet you can already tell this one was a failure).

The only good this about this design was that they looked blue from a distance. I tried to save it with glitter and flowers, but failed. I don't think water marbles is my thing.

And that was April! The only design I loved this month was the chic blue one, but May holds promise!

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