Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hippie Neon!

Oh yes, I'm doing neon hippie nails with a rasta twist. I'm so excited to show you, I'll get the pictures up now and go into geeky details later. 

Right so first picture is my right hand, with electric light. Below is my left hand in natural light. I couldn't get a picture in direct sunlight, but if I had you would've been able to see the amazing glitter that I've used. It reflexes in yellow, green and pink and even though it looks fantastic, it could've had a bit more glitter in it.

I started off with painting my nails white, it barely even covered, and then I sloppily put on a metallic neon green, and neon yellow and a neon orange. Since they were basically pushed onto the nail it created a slight gradient. It didn't really matter though, because after that I used my newly purchased neon glitters, and put them on top of the polish (which is only there to make the glitter pop). 
Then I wanted a simple, black pattern. I started off with just painting whatever came to mind, but it looked horrific and I redid two nails. However, I'd used a peace symbol in my randomness, and that gave me the wonderful idea of a hippie theme.
I put peace symbols on each nail, except on my right thumb because of lack of space. On the other nails I made trees, birds, water, flowers, marijuana leaves, animal footprints, kissing lips, hearts, dotted swirls, and I wrote both "Love" and "Flower Power" in case someone wouldn't quite get the message. 
I really need to practice writing with my left hand, if I had done the writing better on my right thumb, I would've been more satisfied with that hand, for the first time! 
Overall I'm very pleased. I just hope Seche Vite will stand me by this time, it tends to fail me when I'm wearing a lot of glitter. Time will tell!

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