Sunday, April 22, 2012


I bought 3 new polishes this week, a mint green, light blue and soft yellow, all pastels. They're absolutely gorgeous, pastels are my favorites. The green was the best one so I decided to do mint green newspaper nails. A friend of mine was in Japan last year and bought me a Christmas present that she wrapped in Japanese newspaper, so I figured having Kanji on my nails, even though it's backwards, would be cool. 

Here's the green on its own, it needed 3 coats to get this opaque, I probably could've done with two but my coats were a bit messy. I'm not very good with thin polishes. After this I tried applying my Japanese nail art, but it was complete chaos. Apparently they use another kind of ink in Japan or something, because it either didn't stick at all, and when I held it on for longer the paper stuck to it. I tried having it in the alcohol for different amounts of time, I also tried dabbing on extra while it was on the nail, and I tried dipping my nails instead. Nothing worked! I tried once with one of my newspapers and it stuck just fine. I'm really disappointed. 
Needless to say my nails were ruined, I had to get it all off and start again. This time I did a tilted half moon in blue, and added random dots to hide the line. 

Ah, I wish I hadn't made those dots, because after that I had no idea what to create. So I figured, what the heck, it can't get worse than it was before, I'll just play with it. So I played, and this was the final result:

At first I thought it was a complete failure, but the more I look at it, the more it looks like a hill with the sky in the background. My failed dots became some sort of mountain side, almost. I probably could've added houses or animals on the hill, but I thought maybe it'd be too much. Either way, not being able to take my eyes off them is a good sign. The design wasn't even hard to make either. So in the end I really like it. Funny how things work out, eh? 

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