Sunday, February 10, 2013

Blue Bow!

I watched a nail art tutorial, where a girl made this ridiculously cute bow design, and I just had to! She deserves more views for sure, even though me linking it wont make a huge diffrence.
I also attempted painting with watercolors for this design, while using the plastic bag method (Though I use a plastic lid, but.. Details!). It worked out fine for the bows where I was patient and applied two thick coats as bottom layers. I made two more bows for my thumbs where I didn't wait long enough, and when I tried peel them off they ripped. 
Watercolors also dry thicker than acrylic paint, which doesn't seem logical to me, but it was hell trying to remove the design with nailpolish remover. It was fun, it turned out great, but I doubt I'll use watercolors a lot in the future.

This was my first time trying out this new, shimmery pearl color, and to my huge surprise it was a matte polish! It's absolutely gorgeous. I applied two coats, and then dotted out a curved line at my lunar, for the rhinestones. I cleaned a striper brush from a polish, and made stripes with a black polish with blue microglitter, a light blue and a white. I went over the light blue with a darker, but very thin polish, to get the right color. Then I took a light blue glitter and went over the blue lines, and a dark blue glitter mixed with the leftovers of the first glitter, and went over the black lines. 
I made the bow in many steps, since watercolors applies very thin. I started with two medium blue squares, and added darker and lighter blue colors for definition, outlining with black.
I finished by applying all my rhinestones, and voilá!

But, I've found the reason my designs turn yellow, and it's because of Seche Vite! When I was about to remove these nails, I peeled a bit off where it had loosened, and only the top coat disappeared, and you can see the color change!

The triangle, coming out from where you can see my horrible natural nail, is a lot whiter. That's the original color. I'm very displeased with this, since Seche Vite is the only top coat I've tried that applies a rock solid, thick layer. I'm now hunting for a new one.
Oh well. The design is adorable none-the-less.

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