Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Pokémon 2000!

Or, it's official name; Pokémon: The Power of One! 
This is probably one of my top 3 favorite films from my childhood, and Lugias Song is still magical to me. I watched it the other day and I had to make a nail art. I decided to go for a minimalistic design of the three legendary birds; Moltres, Articuno and Zapdos. 

My inspiration was this simple image that Prof. Oak draws when he's explaining the current caused by the legendary Pokémon. 


I painted my thumb and pinky a metallic silver, and covered it with sparkles. 
For Moltres, the fire bird, I painted my index finger red, feathered on some orange for texture, and drew a fire symbol. 
For Articuno, the ice bird, I painted my middle finger blue and feathered on light blue. I drew a snowflake, just like in the film.
For Zapdos, the electricity bird, I painted my nail bright yellow, feathered on light yellow and drew a lightning bolt. 
I also added glitter on all the nails over the feathered area.

I absolutely love this design! It's an adorable and easy way to show off geek pride and childhood memories.

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog, and I have to say i LOVE it. I've been looking for nerdy ideas...and there are so many! You're really talented. :-)
